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Dishbrain Award

MediaMarktSaturn and Dishbrain launch first award for artificial intelligence in the user sector

Together with Dishbrain, MediaMarktSaturn is setting an example for the broad application of artificial intelligence in everyday life and is presenting a new award. Innovative AI entrepreneurs - from small SMEs to school classes - can apply in six categories. The focus is always on solutions that make everyday life better.
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Start Marketplace Niederlande

On course for growth: MediaMarktSaturn successfully rolls out Marketplace in the Netherlands

March 5 saw the launch of the Marketplace in the Netherlands, which is now online in its fourth country after Germany, Spain and Austria. MediaMarktSaturn is thus successfully expanding its Marketplace strategy. Around 1,300 sellers with more than 1.8 million products are currently represented on MediaMarktSaturn's Marketplace across the Group. The next step will be the launch of the Marketplace in Italy this year, with other countries following step by step.
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MediaMarktSaturn ignites the GenAI turbo

Generative AI is on everyone's lips, in the news, on social media and now also freely accessible to everyone on the web. Some see it as a revolution in the way we will work, live and interact with each other. Others are skeptical and still see many unanswered questions.

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TGEV Hilfe Türkei

Sustainable aid directly in the earthquake area: MediaMarktSaturn supports mobile education trucks in Turkey

In February 2023, an earthquake destroyed large parts of south-eastern Turkey. MediaMarktSaturn and the Turkish subsidary responded immediately and sent first relief supplies by truck to the affected regions. MediaMarktSaturn decided to expand its aid there on a sustainable basis.

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Marketplace Space as a Service

MediaMarktSaturn tests Space-as-a-Service offer for Marketplace sellers in Germany

Omnichannel advantage: Marketplace sellers at MediaMarktSaturn benefit from an enormous reach, a high awareness level and a top infrastructure in the online shop, in the app and now also in stationary stores. In a pilot project in the Tech Village at Alexanderplatz in Berlin, a fitness equipment provider from the Marketplace is using around 22 square meters of floor space to present its products in the perfect light. In line with its omnichannel strategy, the pilot is a further step for MediaMarktSaturn to become even more attractive for its partners and customers.

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Weihnachtsspot 2023

"Driving Home to Fix this": MediaMarktSaturn enables more time together at Christmas

With its new international Christmas ad, MediaMarktSaturn once again focuses on the topic of mindfulness and advocates using its product and service offerings to spend more of your precious time with your loved ones over the holidays.

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Retail Media

MediaMarktSaturn expands its retail media offering with Self-Service

MediaMarktSaturn is introducing Self-Service, an important strategic development in its retail media offering. This provides partners, customers and agencies with new and huge potential in campaign management. Campaigns can now be controlled directly by customers themselves, monitored in real time and optimized at any time according to their own needs.

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