"We are working together to empower women."
The Women in Retail initiative at MediaMarktSaturn creates a framework in which women can exchange ideas and build a network. But why is this necessary at all? In this interview, Ana Maria Jaime Salcedo, founder of Women in Retail, and Eva Posan, founder of Women in Retail International, explain why they set up the network, what milestones they have already achieved and where they want to take the initiative over the next five years.
Dear Ana Maria, you founded Women in Retail. Why was it important to you to launch an initiative for gender equality at MediaMarktSaturn?
Ana Maria: When I started at MediaMarktSaturn, there were very few women in management positions. As a woman, you weren't specifically disadvantaged, but I had the feeling that women were often overlooked. That's why I wanted to start an initiative that would create a space for exchange - a real, close-knit community. We then launched Women in Retail in 2019. Initially, many women from different disciplines came together there, then our HR department joined in and supported us. Now we are working together to empower women.
Eva, you then took the initiative to an international level. What drove you to do so?
Eva: During my time at MediaMarktSaturn, I worked in Austria, Hungary and Germany. That's when I realized that we are at different levels of gender diversity in our individual countries. To bring the different levels closer together, it is important that we share best practices. If we give each other tips, we will also surpass ourselves internationally in the area of promoting women.
What moments in your career have shown you in particular: We need to stand up for each other as women?
Ana Maria: I didn't plan my career like this from an early age. I was often preached the classic role model - a woman's career shouldn't come first. During my studies, I then asked myself: Who is actually a role model for me? Who can advise me on the best way forward from here? It would have been a great help for me to have a mentor at my side. We wanted to create this space for exchange with Women in Retail.
How was it for you, dear Eva?
Eva: My father was CEO of a large company and I was able to look over his shoulder from an early age - instead of bedtime stories, I always wanted to hear the latest news from his job. I then studied economics myself and joined a large company. I was able to develop really well there and quickly climbed the career ladder. Then I got pregnant. To avoid being left behind, I wanted to get back into work as quickly as possible. That's why I was back at my desk after just a few months of parental leave. When I was pregnant again, I was told: "You can't have a career with two children." I worked part-time and it was a real challenge: important appointments were usually outside of my working hours and I was often on my laptop until late at night to finish projects. I thought to myself: that can't be the standard. It must be possible for women to balance family and career. That's what I wanted to stand up for.
What achievement at Women in Retail are you particularly proud of?
Ana Maria: Since we founded Women in Retail, we have been able to change the culture at MediaMarktSaturn and really initiate a rethinking process in the area of gender diversity. We have strengthened our position in our company - and helped to increase the proportion of women in management positions.
Eva: People listen to us - and the management team has noticed how strong teams become when they are diverse. Collaboration then becomes more open and efficient. And: women's biggest critics are often themselves. We were able to support many women and give them the self-confidence to take the next steps in their careers.
What initiatives have you already been able to launch with Women in Retail at MediaMarktSaturn?
Ana Maria: A lot has really happened at MediaMarktSaturn in the last five years. It's hard for me to pick out a single measure - it's more the totality of the issues we've tackled. I still remember my first board meeting: we used data to document what gender diversity looks like at MediaMarktSaturn and showed what the specific targets could be. We then launched further training programs and invested more in the targeted development of women.
Eva: We built up pressure and drew attention to our concerns: women and men must work under the same conditions. We wanted to make it clear: The applicant who is best suited should always be given a position. At the same time, we have to give women the chance to develop into these positions.
Ana Maria: Our management board has also made a big difference here - they are committed to equality and that underlines our success even more.
What is your vision: Where do you see Women in Retail in five years' time?
Eva: I would like us to communicate our commitment even better to the outside world: we are a company that specifically promotes women. It should be clear to everyone that we offer women an environment in which they can feel comfortable and develop - and that we are a company that supports the realities of their lives.
Ana Maria: I would also like to see even more women getting involved in Women in Retail - and for us to take men even more seriously. We could strengthen the compatibility of family and career even further, as this is also something that concerns both genders. And I would like to see even more women on our Board, for example.
What advice would you give women for their career at MMS?
Eva: Network, network, network - especially when you join the company. You don't have to fight every battle alone - look for allies. And finally: Have the courage! Take on challenges and grow with them.
Ana Maria: Tell people what you can do! You don't have to hide your light under a bushel - if you've achieved something, you can show it with pride. Also: Find a mentor who will support you.
Dear Ana Maria and Eva, thank you very much for the interview.
Ana Maria Jaime Salcedo is Vice President Sustainability at MediaMarktSaturn. She is responsible for the company's commitment to sustainability. She was previously active in sourcing at the electronics retailer. In 2019, she founded the Women in Retail initiative.
Eva Posan is CFO of MediaMarkt Austria. In her role, she is responsible for accounting, controlling, real estate, legal, IT and business process management. She previously held various positions in different finance functions at the electronics retailer in Austria, Hungary and Germany. Eva initiated the international exchange of Women in Retail.